Cyprus ERP stands out as the world’s pioneering enterprise-grade open-source ERP and CRM solution, boasting a robust reporting system. The founders of Cyprus ERP previously worked with different open-source ERP systems like Compiere, Adempiere, Vienna Advantage, among others. Drawing from their experience, they decided to build their own ERP system, basing it on Adempiere. In 2019, Cyprus ERP was born.
Thanks to their deep understanding of ERP and CRM processes and their diverse industry experience, the Cyprus ERP team has established itself as a trusted partner in the field. Our expertise has enabled us to cater to the needs of small and mid-sized enterprises, offering them a compelling alternative to various other ERP solutions available worldwide.
Cyprus ERP Brings to you with License Free & Responsive ERP modules which can be used on any device without annual License Renewal. Just pay only for Customization & Integration. View all ERP modules
Explore genuine feedback from our satisfied clients. Discover how we deliver excellence in every construction project we undertake.
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